Painting on a stippled surface can present unique challenges, but with the right choice of paint and the right techniques, you can achieve a successful result. In this comprehensive guide, I’ll take you through every aspect of painting over stipple and provide you with valuable expert advice on how to get the best results.

Gotelé, a rough wall texture that was popular in decades past, is often found in many homes. Painting over this surface requires special considerations, and choosing the right paint is essential for an attractive and long-lasting result.

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Step 1: Surface preparation

Proper preparation is essential before beginning any painting project, and painting over stippled paint is no exception. Here is a detailed guide on how to prepare the surface:

1.1 Inspecting the stippled paint

Before you begin, carefully inspect the stippled surface for damaged or loose areas. Make sure that all the stippling is firm and well adhered. If you find any loose areas, scrape off the excess and sand lightly to create an even surface. This thorough preparation ensures that the paint adheres properly and that the final result is flawless.

1.2 Cleaning

Clean the stippled surface thoroughly to remove dust and dirt. Use a damp cloth or soft sponge to ensure that the paint adheres properly. A clean stippled surface is essential for even coverage and a professional finish. In addition, cleanliness ensures that the paint adheres optimally, avoiding adhesion problems.


Step 2: Choice of paint

Choosing the right paint is one of the most critical aspects of painting over gotelé. Here is detailed information on the best paint options:

2.1 Latex paint

Latex paint is an excellent choice for painting over stippled paint. It is flexible and adheres well to textures, allowing the paint to expand and contract without cracking. In addition, latex paint is easy to clean and maintain, making it a practical choice for high-traffic spaces and dirt-prone areas.

2.2 Acrylic paint

Acrylic paint is another suitable alternative for stippled surfaces. Like latex paint, it is durable and adheres well to textures. Acrylic paint is resistant to wear and stains, making it a solid choice for painting on stippled paint. It is also available in a wide range of colours and finishes, allowing you to customise the look of your space.


Step 3: Applying the paint

Applying the paint is a crucial step in the process of painting over stippled paint. Here are detailed tips on how to achieve a perfect finish:

3.1 Long nap roller

Use a long nap roller to apply the paint to the stippled paint. This type of roller allows the paint to penetrate the textures and cover evenly. Work in small sections and apply even pressure to ensure adequate coverage. Choosing the right roller is essential to achieve a uniform finish and avoid problems such as dripping paint.

3.2 Zigzag application

Apply the paint in a zigzag pattern, making sure to cover all areas of the stipple evenly. Then use the roller in one direction only to smooth the surface without exerting too much pressure. This technique helps to ensure that the paint fills the textures of the stipple properly and that the finish is even and attractive.


Step 4: Additional coats

For a perfect finish, you may need to apply additional coats of paint. Here are some tips to achieve a professional result:

4.1 Second coat

Once the first coat of paint is completely dry, consider applying a second coat to achieve full coverage and an even finish. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for drying times. Applying a second coat improves the opacity of the paint and ensures that the stippling is completely covered.

4.2 Finishing touches

After all coats are dry, touch up any areas that need additional attention. This will ensure a uniform and professional finish on your stippled wall. Carefully inspect the final result and make any necessary adjustments to achieve a flawless appearance.

In summary, painting on a stippled surface requires proper preparation and choosing the right paint. Opt for a quality latex or acrylic paint and follow proper application techniques. With attention to detail and proper drying time, you will achieve an attractive and long-lasting result on your stippled walls. At Bartolomé Bas Pinturas, we are ready to help you with all your painting needs and offer you quality products that will help you achieve successful projects. Enjoy your painting project and the new look of your spaces!