House painters

At Bartolomé Bas we have been painting specialists since 1984. Many clients recommend us as house painters in Jávea, Denia, Moraira and the Costa Blanca.

We carry out house painting work, interior painting, exterior painting as well as waterproofing paints for terraces or swimming pools, any type of painting work at home.

Painters to paint houses

All houses need regular cleaning, brooming, scrubbing, or dusting. Both the interior and exterior walls also need to be cleaned. For this it is advisable to paint houses. We are in charge of cleaning any home at the painting level, we can also give a new touch to the room you want. As painters to paint houses we can request the color you require for the room, living room, living room, hallway or any room in the house that you want to paint in a different color.

We are specialists in painting houses with different methods of decoration, painting, wallpaper or wall murals for houses throughout the Costa Blanca.

Pintor para pintar casa
pintores de casas

Why paint our house?

The reasons for painting a house can be several, we have come across different reasons throughout our trajectory, but the most common are going to be listed here:

  • When changing the furniture or the location of these within a room marks may appear on the walls that we need to cover.
  • To disinfect and clean the walls as we have already commented previously.
  • We want to change the colors of the walls.

To do any of these jobs, we have the best house painters on the entire Costa Blanca. We are responsible in each and every one of the work we carry out to obtain the best results and always meeting the agreed delivery deadlines.

Pintores de Casas Profesionales

House Painters, professionalism and guarantee

We are professional house painters, we carry out all types of exterior and interior painting work. We carry out painting work in all types of houses that are needed: flats, flats, chalets, villas and country houses among others.

Our team of house painters carry out all jobs with the highest quality, thanks to the integral equipment for painting all types of houses. All our jobs are guaranteed, customer satisfaction is our priority, but also the work as house painters are our identity card.

Pintar Casas Pared

Contact Bartolomé Bas, house painters on the Costa Blanca

We are the benchmark house painters on the Costa Blanca to obtain the best works and finishes. For any type of work in painting houses, chalets, flats, apartments, villas or country houses you can contact us and we will carry out a thorough and quality job painting the house you need.

Professional services

Wood treatment

Renewing lacquer and varnish on interior and exterior woodwork.

Repairing terraces

Repairing and waterproofing terraces.


Restoration, cleaning with pressure hose, painting and waterproofing.

Eliminating humidity

Eradication of mould due to humidity or condensation with antibacterial paints.

Metallic components

Cleaning and elimination of rust and peeling paint on fencing, gates, railing, etc, and repainting .

Pool coronation

Cleaning and rejuvenating pool coronations with pressure hose.

Terracotta flooring

Renewing and repainting terracotta floors.


We advise on adequate materials for each situation, such as antibacterial, ecological, mineral or latest generation smart paints .

Facade Painters

Painting of facades of public buildings, houses, chalets, villas and industrial buildings.

House Painters

Painting of all types of houses: flats, apartments, chalets, villas, country houses, town houses.

What they say about us

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